Sunday, January 29, 2012

Whitsett, TX

We left Yuma on Friday, Jan. 20th.

Drove up to Quartzsite and spent 3 nights while checking out the RV show that started on the 21st.

Monday morning we started heading southeast towards San Antonia, TX. Whitsett is about 50 miles or so, south of San Antonia. We will be sitting in the lot of Gate Guarding Co. until we get an assignment to go out on a gate. We have full hookups (water, electric, sewer) and along with the Chapmans there are two other rigs here waiting to go out. We got to Whitsett yesterday, the 28th.

Whitsett lot 003Whitsett lot 004

Here is a picture of the two trailers that are typical of the ones that will be on our gate. The first trailer has the generator and fresh water tank, the second one is the septic system.

Whitsett lot 002

We are both looking forward to this new adventure and we will keep you updated with how things are going along.

(as usual you can click on the picture to enlarge it)

love to ya

Jim and Linda

Monday, January 16, 2012

Wind and sand

The area we are staying in has lots of windy days. Normally the wind comes out of the north or northwest. So we do not normally see a lot of sand blowing as our area is mostly small rock and flat except for the “mountains” (approx. 500-1200ft)to the north and east.

About 5 miles to the west of us, and going several miles south and north are the sand dunes. Now this is real sand. On the weekends there up to several hundred rv’s parked out there playing with their various types of off road vehicles.

This afternoon the wind really came up strong out of the west-southwest. This is the first time in all the times over the years that we have been on Sidewinder road that we could not see the “mountains”…..

Plus it got downright cold……wellllllll…o.k. about 55 degrees….but when you are used to 70 plus degrees and sunshine…..well, it is downright cold.

Anyway here are a couple pictures of the “mountains” during the worst of the storm.

sunsets and dusty skies 006you can just see the “mountains” this is after the wind let up a little.

sunsets and dusty skies 007sunsets and dusty skies 008these are the “mountains” off to the east.

Hey…you know we love ya….even when you do not write.

love to ya

Jim and LInda

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Nose job and sunset

Here is a picture of my nose a couple of days after the surgery. Most of the swelling has gone down and it is not bleeding anymore.

I had to adjust my glasses to sit up higher on my nose to keep the nose pads from digging into the wound. Now my bifocal line is about the middle of my eye, and I have to go around with my head down in order to see……oh well.

I threw in the sunset pictures so you would have something nice to look at after the nose job….

nose and sunsets 010nose and sunsets 006nose and sunsets 009

Have a great week

love to all of ya

Jim and Linda

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Nose Surgery

Out of bed at 4am!!!!!!
Had to be at the hospital at 5:30am to get prepped for surgery. I had a cancer on my nose just below where my glasses set. I think it is called a basilcell cancer....not the more dangerous melanoma type.
They finally wheeled me into the operating room about 7:15 and wheeled me out of the hospital about 9:15. I have to go back to have stitches removed next Thursday.
Nothing too minute I am looking around the surgery room and the next minute I am being wheeled out to recovery.
Next Friday we will head to Quartzsite, AZ for a few days before heading southeast towards San Antonio TX. Hope to start the new job...gate keeping...around the first of the month. Will do that for about 3 months before starting to head back to Illinois, Indiana, Michigan for the summer....with a short stop in Tunica, MS. to donate some money to the casinos.
Have a great day
love to ya
Jim and Linda

Monday, January 2, 2012

New Years eve 2011

A typical day here at Mittry lake has happy hour at 4pm. Every one comes out and ends up in a big circle, talking and telling stories for about an hour or so. Some folks bring out snacks to share and most have a beverage, beer, wine or soft drink.

Mittry Lake 005Mittry Lake 006Mittry Lake 007

This is a picture of Ron and Sharons 1959 Flexible Flyer (I think) passenger bus that has been converted to a motorhome. The interior was stripped out and replaced, new more powerful engine and an automatic transmission are a few of the changes made.

Mittry Lake 001

For new years eve we had what is called a “Z circle”. IN our case 4 couples acted as hosts in their rv, and the rest of the group moved from rv to rv staying 45 minutes in each place with 15 minutes to move to the next rv or go potty and get another beverage. We volunteered to host and had four different sets of 3 couples visit.

This ended at 11:15 or so and than everyone met by a large fire and waited until midnight. Some got together and tried to sing songs, but being that everyone is older, nobody could remember the words to any one song. Some one would start singing a song and the rest would join in, but I do not think that they got more than a few lines of any song.

New Years Eve 004New Years Eve 006New Years Eve 010New Years Eve 019New Years Eve 009

That was our new years party. How was yours?

Have a wonderful 2012

Love to all of you

Jim and Linda