Monday, September 22, 2008

more bad news

We left Kentucky Horse Park campground this morning for a rv dealer in Lexington, Ky. They got us right in and said it would be a little while while they check things out. We went to a tire store and asked them to check the tire that was flat. They said it would take about two hours.
The rv dealer informed us that both grey water valves were bad and needed to be replaced and it would take two days to get them in.....not tooo bad. The good news is that less the $50 deductable, our insurance will cover the repairs.
The tire store called and said that our rim was cracked(I was suspecting this as there was no visible damage to the tire). They did not know how to locate one, so we went back to the rv dealer, who is a Holiday Rambler dealer, and they were able to find one in a warehouse, but it would take 7-10 days to get. The cost is $186 plus shipping.
We told them to order it and have it sent to their location and we would give them a ship to address. so we are back at Kentucky Horse Park for two more days waiting for the valves to get here.

I had expected the wheel to be in the $400 range, so was suprised at the cost.

We had hoped to be on our way to a corp of engineers park at lake Cumberlan today, but will have to wait a couple of days. Camping is a lot cheaper there ($10-11) compared to $22 here.

see ya

Jim and Linda