Tuesday, May 11, 2010

As close as we want to ever be

When I wrote about the wind yesterday, little did we know that it would get a lot worse.

A couple of hours after I posted the blog the wind started to get stronger, and stronger. We finally put the slides in and Linda got out the emergency weather radio. It was going off like 4th of July fireworks. We kept checking the road atlas to see which counties and cities were being named off. And the tornado’s kept getting closer.

We finally got the dogs and phones and a few other things and got in the truck and drove about a quarter mile across the road to the bathrooms, which are supposed to be tornado shelters. Everyone else in our part of the park did the same thing. The wind had been blowing at a steady 40mph and by the time we left the trailer it was up 60mph. Linda could hardly get her door closed.

She took the dogs into the shelter and I stood outside. If a tornado was going to hit us, I wanted to see it. The wind all of a sudden stopped. And it got calm. Than the wind started from the other direction. It was coming from the south all day and finally turned from the north. Several of us were standing outside now watching the sky. We could see the clouds, which were very dark, moving in both directions and it looked like they were going to hook up and start rotating. But after a few scary minutes it seemed like things settled down.

lake Texoma severe weather 008 lake Texoma severe weather 009

We all left and noticed that two trees were down!!!

lake Texoma severe weather 011 lake Texoma severe weather 007

The motorhome parked right on the lake has a large boat, I would guess about 18 foot fiberglass on a trailer. I was sitting parallel to the motorhome when we left and now it is sitting back about 10 foot and turned 90 degrees from where it was.

lake Texoma severe weather 012

We sat in the truck for quite a while listening to the NOAA emergency weather. Finally after it got too dark to see anything we went back into the trailer. The weather radio kept going off until about 11pm when we finally turned it off and opened up the bedroom slide and went to sleep…..

The closest that we heard about a touchdown was in Pottsboro, TX.


This link will show you how close we are to Pottsboro.

Thank God for keeping us safe.

Love to all of you dear friends

Jim and Linda

1 comment:

  1. OMG, how scary!!! Thankfully you are OK. Windy howliing here and we may get snow tonight. Internet signal very sketchy here so no Skype for a while. Miss you.
